Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The Aim Was Song" By Robert Frost

Robert Frost was an educator as well a poet. He is a four time Pulitzer Prize Winner. Many of Frost's works depict life, through language and situations, that is familiar to the common man. 

When I first read this poem, I thought that the main focus was on the wind. But after reading it over a few more times, I realized the subject of the poem was the wind and a man. This poem is about a man who is trying to teach the wind how to properly blow. The man is trying to teach the wind to blow with more melody, or song. This is where readers can connect the title with the content of the poem; the aim of the wind is to create song or a better wind.The author uses personification to create a better understanding for what is occurring between the two main figures. If we took the meaning of this poem to a deeper level, we could talk about why the man is teaching the wind to blow and why the wind does not already know how to correctly blow. In the first line, "Before man came to blow it right", I am reminded slightly of time before man. It is as if the author was referring to why man came to earth, which we know is because we were created to complete God's work and make a difference; to teach.

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