Monday, November 2, 2015

"To My Dear and Loving Husband" Anne Bradstreet

Anne Bradstreet was the first woman writer recognized as an accomplished New World Poet. She benefited greatly from the Elizabethan Tradition which focused mainly on female education; as we can see by her many writing accomplishments it truly did benefit her! Bradstreet's works reflect her religious and emotional experiences. 

This poem is focused mainly about love; we know that as soon we read the title. But the slower we read it, and the more times we do, we are able to find a bit more than a classic love between a man and woman. Anne Bradstreet uses passionate languages and rhyme schemes, which helps to portray the trouble she may have been going through while being in love with this man. She writes, "My love is such that rivers cannot quench,", which portrays a love in which their is pain and suffering that cannot be helped even in the most logical ways. At the same time, that line could also mean her love is so passionate and rare that not even the most similar kind could replace it. The title of this poem sets the tone and displays the focus. Bradstreet's emotional words and comparisons, such as, "I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,", demonstrate the intense feeling of love she had for her husband. Her use of punctuation, allows readers to pause at the right times so they fully understand the emotion she is writing with. With this poem, the slower and more time we give to the words, the more of an effect it will have on us. Not all poems give off intense feelings, but the way Bradstreet rhymes her words and repeats the words "love" and "live" ; readers can connect more easily to the poem.

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